Multiply by 11

Image-of-Eleven-784090Having trouble memorizing the 11 times tables?? Here is a really easy trick that will help you master about all the 11s tables up to 50! First you take any number multiplied by 11 such as 26. Take both the 2 and the 6 and add them together…and you get 8. Then put the number 8 in-between the 2 and the 6 and you have 286. Try another number such as 45. You know the drill, 4+5=9. 495 is the answer. This can help you out a very lot when you are multiplying big numbers by 11. The only part it becomes tricky is when the numbers that add up are over 9. Then you have to carry over and find out the answer.


7 thoughts on “Multiply by 11”

  1. I pissed a teacher off in 3rd grade when I saw this pattern (its how I do math. I find patterns. Dont ask its how my brain works.) ANyway she asked if I had a better way of doing 11s in a sarcastic way. I said ” Ayup sure do” then walked up to the board and explained how to do this method. She was plenty pissed off and wouldnt let the kids do it. She made them all show the work using the old long way. What a bitch. Yes you Ms. Birch.

  2. Keep it simple. Multiply by 10 and add one more of the number multiplied, eg. 26?
    Does anyone learn timestables anymore now that calculators are everywhere?

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