How To Save the Government $5 Million!

 A president’s pension currently is $191,300 per year, lasting until he is 80 years old.

Assuming the next president lives to age 80:

1)    Sen. McCain would receive ZERO pension, as he would reach 80 at the end of two terms as president.

2)    Sen. Obama would be retired for 26 years after two terms, so would receive $4,973,800 in pension. 

 Therefore, it would certainly make economic sense to elect McCain in November. 

Now, how’s that for non-partisan thinking???

Thanks Gene

8 thoughts on “How To Save the Government $5 Million!”

  1. Have you got any idea how much it would cost to BURY a President who died in office? It would be way over $10,000,000

    I would take my chances with Obama’s pension.

  2. …even if that were true, at this point, $5M is such a drop in the national-debt budget that it’s barely worth mentioning.

  3. billions… try trillions… Here’s an Idea Woo Hoo… how about having the president executed then bush could just be cremated, and flushed down the toilet, so he could be in the sewer system named after him…

    it would boost the economy… mass herds of people would go to that city just to use the pisser…


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