Maybe I should clean up Bits and Pieces

Here are the search terms people have used to get to Bits and Pieces since January, and the number of times each term was used:

  • funny sex  450
  • biker bitches  208
  • love hurts  174
  • thong  139
  • naked chicks  134
  • watermelon vs viagra  133
  • giant ass saw thing  131
  • redneck seafood dinner  130
  • camel toe  114
  • camel toes  107
  • rasputin penis  70
  • how to confuse an idiot  67

13 thoughts on “Maybe I should clean up Bits and Pieces”

  1. Believe it or not Rasputin’s penis is an enduring legend.

    It’s supposedly in a jar somewhere and that rumor has been floating around since the Maad Monk was killed.

    Why anyone would give a damn about it is beyond me, but then again, I cannot explain why Britney Spears can sell CDs when my dogs sing better than she.

  2. I’d be pretty proud of the “watermelon vs viagra” one.

    …and I’m actually one of the people who searched for “giant ass saw thing” because I wanted to show someone the photo, but couldn’t remember where I saw it.

  3. Mike –

    Bad advise. I tried it. It was not funny.

    Some say that someday I’ll look back on it and laugh. Unfortunately, that day is about 150 years in the future.

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