Here are the search terms people have used to get to Bits and Pieces since January, and the number of times each term was used:
- funny sex 450
- biker bitches 208
- love hurts 174
- thong 139
- naked chicks 134
- watermelon vs viagra 133
- giant ass saw thing 131
- redneck seafood dinner 130
- camel toe 114
- camel toes 107
- rasputin penis 70
- how to confuse an idiot 67
giant ass saw thing 131??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
wait a minute… i’m confused
I don’t feel safe knowing those 70 people exist
Who The Hell Searches Rasputin Penis?!?!?!
Believe it or not Rasputin’s penis is an enduring legend.
It’s supposedly in a jar somewhere and that rumor has been floating around since the Maad Monk was killed.
Why anyone would give a damn about it is beyond me, but then again, I cannot explain why Britney Spears can sell CDs when my dogs sing better than she.
I am thoroughly disturbed.
i never thought about sex being funny
Get married.
Your sex life will become a joke.
I’d be pretty proud of the “watermelon vs viagra” one.
…and I’m actually one of the people who searched for “giant ass saw thing” because I wanted to show someone the photo, but couldn’t remember where I saw it.
Wow, epic list:)
I AM married. HA-HA
Mike –
Bad advise. I tried it. It was not funny.
Some say that someday I’ll look back on it and laugh. Unfortunately, that day is about 150 years in the future.
I came here through ‘Cat’s eye’
So…I dunno about the other thousand or so.