6 thoughts on “Barack Rolling”

  1. And this is supposed to convince me of what? Maybe that he likes Ellen Degenerate. (yep, that’s how I spell it)

  2. Now you’re really gonna confuse a lot of your readers, Jonco. Just when they’re completely convinced you’re a McC supporter, heads are gonna assplode when they think you’ve flip-flopped to the BO side.

    Maybe – just maybe – you are trying to show the humorous and fun sides to this campaign? On both sides?

    Naww, according to a lot of your readers (^), there is no light side to any of this. We must all run to our corners and scowl and spit and hold our breaths till we turn blue for 3 more months.

    BTW-How long must it take to find and arrange all those clips in sync to the lyrics? Well done.

  3. Dam…….!! That must have taken a long time to get all those clips in sync with the lyrics. Well done.

  4. Actually, he kinda got his groove on towards the end? I doe’na know. Obviously, American Voter’s will decide.

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