11 thoughts on “Cheap travel”

  1. I work for a major company that has properties in Phuket (pronounced poo-ket, for those that may not know). Customers call us all the time, struggling not to mispronouce it, but failing miserably. I shared this photo with all my co-workers, most of who fell over laughing. The play on words on a commonly mispronounced word is clever.

  2. All this is only my opinion, I don’t mean to assult to anybody. Please read carefully.

    Well, I’m from Thailand and not all of us are what you think. 🙁 Although I admit that we have some problem about this kind of thing. T_T

    I think maybe it’s because the way we represent our country, we did have strong campaign about cultural and natural attraction, but it might not strong enough to fight the influence from media.

    For example in the movie industry. Most Thai movies have the same similar theme such as Action, Horror, Ghost Story, Sexy, Boy Love (yes boy love.. can’t believe myself, it is, youth got this from Japan & Korean fever in Asia) And why all movies looks the same? I say because it sells. (Just like America have so much of Super-hero Movie coming out because they make money money money in the box office.) And the stories that sell usually are the dirty ones, they guarantee to make headlines and Thai people just love to gossip about everything. I choose this example because it’s one of other things that will be in public eyes. Most of Thai people usually don’t speak English or can’t speak very well, I also think this is a huge problem for us to let people know what we are.

    Thailand still has so much more beautiful thing to experience me, myself has not yet to explore.

    It made me really sad. Sometimes, people I know from the internet thought that Thai people still ride elephants as one of the transportation! :O That’s primitive!, maybe yes back in the day we live in a cave!! lol I even have somebody add me on msn and try to harrass me just because I’m from BANGKOK!!! (sorry guys, it’s not bang-cock :P) That really pissed me off. I know it’s just a little boy playing around and I might get into this even though I’m not from Bangkok. Internet is internet, everything can happen.

    Now I move to Singapore because of my work and my Singaporean friend ever told me that she once have pretty much the same experience as me: she was asked if Singapore still have severe lawsuit to cut one’s hand off for pick-pocketing!!??

  3. Saza,
    Good points you bring up. It is amazing how little we know about other cultures and countries… me especially. I’m in admiration of people who can speak different languages and are so knowledgeable about the world we all live in. It truly is a shrinking world and we all should know more about the other people who inhabit our earth.
    People are always going to make fun of places and words that sound like other questionable words in their society, and I’m fine with that.
    Thanks so much for reminding us of the vast variety of people we share the world with.

  4. to Saza…

    I apologize for making fun of Bangkok…I suppose you’ve heard it a thousand times and it’s not funny to you. I’m sure that is, like all large cities, a fascinating place with both good and bad.

    I imagine Thailand is different than the way it is presented to us by the entertainment and news media, just as America is probably different than what you have been led to believe.

    (Your English is very good! Come visit us some time!)

  5. Thanks Jonco & DJ for your understanding. I really appreciate that.
    I agree with you that there’s so much more in this world that we don’t know or understand yet. I always want to see the world in a different aspect and try to open my mind. The more I read the more I discover, little by little, whether it’s good or bad. I think this is the strong advantage for internet that you get to know people from all around the world and read some amazing stories. I’m a fan of B&P for sometime now, not because I’m bored and need some stories to past my time. Many subjects that you post are very interesting, sometimes I even laugh, feel sad or angry with it, some pictures just made my day. I got the inspiration to creat my own blog because of this. 😀


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