Balloons released to help orphans….

…. not as helpful as expected.

Releasing balloons for orphans at the University of West England in Bristol goes not as planned.


8 thoughts on “Balloons released to help orphans….”

  1. And just think, if those balloons had a successful launch, those orphans would be sooo better off now. I know balloons always solve my problems. Stupid evil tree.

  2. Those balloons that survive will fly high above the clouds until the ultraviolet light weakens the synthetic rubber until they pop. They will then gentle float down on the air currents until they land in the ocean, where some sea turtle will eat them, thinking they are some floating vegetation or jelly fish. The synthetic plastic will block the intestinal track of the sea turtles, blocking the flow of real food until the turtle dies.
    Yeah, you done well University of West England.

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