A little piece of home

Grass from home

Here s a U.S. soldier stationed in Iraq … stationed in a big sand box. He asked is  wife o send him dirt ( U.S. soil), fertilizer, and some grass seed so that he can have the sweet aroma, and feel the grass grow beneath his feet.
When the men of the squadron have a mission that hey are going on, they take turns walking through the grass and the American soil — to bing them good luck.

If you notice, he is even cutting the grass with a pair of a scissors.

Sometimes we are in such a hurry that we don’t stop and think about the
little things that we take for granted.

Thanks Mary

8 thoughts on “A little piece of home”

  1. Ohhhhh , c’mom !! Just another picture with a misleading caption . People will try anything to show that stupid sense of patriotism that americans have .

  2. Get them trough a pointless war over oil and control of the middle east? Come on, the US has no authority in Iraq and should get their asses out of there as soon as possible and let U.N. help the iraqis rebuild _THEIR_ country. Without the help of McDumbass and Wallmart suddenly being the largest cooperations in Iraq.

    By the way, since US hasnt payed their memberfee to the U.N. the last couple of decades they should be expelled.

    And while we’r at it, let’s free Tibet!

    Let the “american way” stay in america, because we dont want it.

  3. As Americans we can get very cheesy in our patriotism. But you should never diss on a soldier in any war we fight. Even though this is a very pointless war headed up by the worst set of people that ever ran this beautiful land…. Honor him and let him cut that grass with pride

  4. Well said Sean. Does anyone believe that these lads and lassies want to be there??? It’s not only Americans that post here, but every country. And dumbass 5, I do not support this war at all, but I will support the heroes that are fighting it. It’s not their choice but God are they BRAVE. I believe that if they aren’t there protecting your backyard, then guess who’s coming to dinner? Then you’ll understand the fear of a war torn country and it won’t be a Happy ” American Way “. Tibet will probably do OK coz you’re not there.

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