Joanne, over at I have seen the whole of the internet has informed me that we, she and I (or our websites) were featured in the Guardian newspaper and it’s website. I couldn’t find the link on their website, but Joanne sent me the article.
My understanding is that the Guardian is a pretty big deal in England.
Joanne is out as we speak buying sunglasses and a scarf. I’ve got the sunglasses so, I’ll just wait for the papparazzi to show up.
Free autographs everyone!
Congrats! lol I’m the first one, you should send me an autograph 😀
When you reach the top of the food chain, don’t forget all us little people!
congratulation! you deserve it!
Congrats! I live in the UK and the guardian is one of the top three newspapers here! Sweet!
Congrats, that indeed sounds like sth big, but you deserve it. Get a scarf;)
It should be appearing on the website version sometime soon, it’s a little out of date 🙂
First we get out own secret codes for Infidel hitting it and now this!
Conincident? I think not!
I saw that the other day when I was reading it 😀
I guess to the Brits, cross-country motorcycle trips count as “motorcycle stunts”.
Well done!