29 thoughts on “There’s something wrong with this banana…”

  1. History, Larry, shows me those who ignore history, will repeat the mistakes of those who have ignored history.

    Bush is not only the most stupid man to ever hold that office, not only is he the most sightless, but worse than all that, he is by far the most ignorant human being ever to be able to wage war against the United States who ever breathed air.

    We’ll be lucky if any of us have any “survivors”, and if we do, that is exactly what they will be called.

  2. Larry,
    Please give us your reasons for your absurd statement. I always appreciate a good laugh.

  3. It would appear that I have wandered into a swarm of hopeless morons.

    Sorry to have interrupted the circle jerk.

    And by the way, the blog name is a rip off from a really good magazine from days of yore. I should have been warned by that theft.

    I’m out.

  4. He’s made his money in oil; now it’s time to make money with ethenol with his “bush”el of corn!

  5. Dirgni,
    I’m guessing it’s George, simply because no one knows who Larry Sheldon is.

    Spot on with your observation of insults vs. facts.

  6. Larry can live in continue to live in the world of disillusionment, but he’s never gonna convince me history will smile on Bush. He’s probably one of those people who thinks the economy is still great, thinks the world sees us as heroes, and thinks we still don’t need to worry about conservation. Yeah, Bush is awesome. Awesomely bad.

  7. Ok guys,
    I expect there to be disagreements because some people hate someone of the opposite political party, just because they’re “of a different party”. I never did quite understand that, but that’s the way it is and I can do nothing about it. I always thought we should support whoever gets elected and let them give it a shot. But, what do I know. I posted this picture because I liked the caption, about the ear of corn being a banana. It made me laugh. Of course, Bush being a bit of a doofus didn’t hurt either.

    But, Larry, to say that “the blog name is a rip off from a really good magazine from days of yore. I should have been warned by that theft.”…. now that hurts. First off, I would think that in order to “rip something off”, I’d have to know of it. I have never heard of a Bits & Pieces magazine. Now I have “ripped off” most of the stuff I post. Of course I’d like to think I borrowed it, buts neither here nor there. The name Bits & Pieces comes from a column I have written for a newsletter for a club I belong to. I’ve written that column since the early 80’s.

    I just Googleed Bits and Pieces magazine, and looked at their sample issue. I assume it’s still in publication. It’s basically inspirational quotes and a few short stories. I really like it, but not sure I’d pay $35 a year for it.

    Anyway, people all have different opinions and I wish we could discuss them without calling other people names just because they’re wrong….Ummmm, I mean just because they don’t agree with us.

  8. I’d rather have a B & P that is funny, provocative, horny, educational (don’t laugh–that Mississippi steamboat post kept me busy linkin’ and learnin’ for quite a while) and free than a B & P that is/was “inspirational” and costs $35. These days I don’t need inspiration–I need a good laugh.

    This IS THE REAL B & P, and it is worth at least two or three times what you charge for it.


  9. How about lets just save the liberal/conservative talk for a blog that is for that,geez people its just a funny pic,and there is a bits and pieces mail order catalog that has puzzles and sh*t like that

  10. Jonco,

    Bits & Pieces is more or less an old saying, and therefore it isn’t like you named your blog “Time Magazine”. For the accusation of “ripped off” to stick, then there would have to be something you might have done to lead us to beleive that we were actually going to the other B&P site, or that it was something connected to it.

    I had never heard of it, and I’m willing to bet 99% of the people here haven’t either. Moreover, I doubt anyone connected to any other B&P is looking to get a cease and desist order out on you.

    You’ve got a great site here, dude, and those who are just passing through, will do just that, and those of us who are regulares will stay, regardless of what pops up. If you can’t make fun of the president, regardless of what party he’s from, then you might as well just stick to posting nearly naked women….

    hey! wait! That isn’t a half bad idea!

  11. heck… what’s all the hoopala about… just wish he would have fell out of the tree when he picked that there bandango..lol

  12. I’m in agony now T_T.
    I kept all the links to my favourite posts from Bits & Pieces in the web browser favourites folder and I had to reinstall Windows last night before I realized that I lost all of those. What a lucky Sunday the 13th!

  13. Anyone think making ethenol from corn is a good idea? What could go wrong?
    Higher food prices because farmers will grow corn for fuel instead of real food.
    Fuel costs linked to climate – Can anyone say Ca-Ching?
    It still does not adress root causes, one of which is poor fuel efficiency vehicles.

  14. Not that it matters much, but it was Larry who made a statement of opinion and then was attacked and ridiculed for it. He responded in kind, and then is accused of being insulting. That makes me think the accusers are highly hypocritical.

  15. Anshu, in 43 words, you said basically the same thing that I was thinking.I’m afraid it would have taken me 243 words to say it though

  16. Three nuns die in a car accident. When they reach the pearly gates, Saint Peter says to them, “You have all led exemplary lives and you have dedicated your lives to the service of the lord. As a reward I would like to grant you one wish each, once your wish has been granted you may return to the gates and enter heaven.” The first nun, who happens to be the oldest, says “you meen we can have any wish we want, anything at all.” Saint peter says “anything your heart desires.” She then says “even sex,” to which saint peter replies, “yes.” So she says, “well when I was a young girl in school all of the girls would swoon over the actor Marlon Brando, can I have him for one night?” She looks to her side and there he is. Marlon takes her arm and leads her away. The second nun says that when she was in school all the girls were hot for the actor Brad Pitt, so she says, “can I have Brad Pitt?” She looks to her side and there he is, Brad takes here arm and leads here away. The third nun, who happens to be the youngest, says I want George Bush. Saint peter says “well who is this George Bush, is he also an actor.” The young nun says, “I don’t know, but when I was in school everyone used to say fuck George Bush.

  17. Actually, Anshu most of the attacking and ridicule came after his abrupt and silly departure.

    There is nothing at all in my response you could call either of those things and Paul barely touched him.

    Your words and the facts are strangers in this case.

  18. And one last addendum, Anshu, Larry’s lashing out at Jon with the unprovoked and totally baseless claim of thievery is a matter you might have broached rather than riding to his defense. Jon selflessly provides this site for everyone and it takes up more than just bits and pieces of his time and resources for him to do so. Most of the insults and ridicule came after that thoughtless and scurrilous comment, and quite frankly, considering all things, the readers here showed what could only be considered decent restraint.

    Unlike Larry, I consider myself fully capable of defending my views publically and without rancor, but if the need arises, I can also stand and deliver in the face of much worse than what I’ve seen in this case.

    In short, my question to you is why you would waste your time defending some one shot asshole rather than consider his attack on the very person who is providing you with a medium in which you speak.

    You would do well to first check your facts, then consider who you are defending, and finally, if it isn’t too much trouble, show a little bit of goddam courtesy to the man whose site you are mouthing off at.

    Take Care,

  19. What’s funny but sad is how a humorous picture and with a fabricated quote brings out complete nonsense.

  20. In short, my question to you is why you would waste your time defending some one shot asshole rather than consider his attack on the very person who is providing you with a medium in which you speak.

    My comment was not to defend Larry, but to point out that those on the other side who lashed out at him really aren’t on any higher moral ground. I find hypocrisy particularly distasteful when combined with sanctimony.

    I read this site daily, and I’m very appreciative of what Jonco provides. I have no issue with the name of this blog, and given what little I know of him by reading this site, I would never question his intentions as being anything other than to bring a little humour to the world.

  21. Bush is “most stupid man to ever hold that office”. He’s “sightless” and “the most ignorant human being”. He’s a “doofus”, and yet he always gets the best of the idiot left. He’s beat them “like a red headed step child”, as James Carville would say, in 2 elections and countless legislative battles.

    He’s liberated over 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq. He revealed and broke up the A.Q. Khan network, intimidated Mumar Khadafi into revealing and dismantling his nuclear program, negotiated a verifiable end to North Korea’s nuclear program and has nearly destroyed al-Qaeda. He’s bullied Syria out of Lebanon and supported Columbia in it’s war against the leftist scum called FARC. Most importantly, he has prevented another 9/11. All while leftists whined about the food at Guantanamo Bay.

    I know, I know, what about hurricane Katrina. Well, what about Iowa? When will the left learn that in a free society people are responsible for taking care of themselves. The people in Iowa behaved as Americans should in a natural disaster and the media immediately turned away. I guess if it can’t be turned into a negative story about the Bush administration it’s not “news”.

    Yeah, “… those who ignore history, will repeat the mistakes of those who have ignored history” and leftists are determined to ignore the failings of socialism. Over 100 million dead, a record of poverty and oppression and the liberals are still pushing the party line.

    Che is dead. Get over it.

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