Great second uncles first removed day… or something like that…

Me and my nephew’s daughter Brianna relaxing in the pool on Father’s Day.  I’m not exactly sure what our politically correct relationship is, but I know she’s a cutie.

Jon and Brianna

At a recent family gathering we were having a discussion of relativity.  By relativity I mean … what’s the difference between a second cousin and a cousin once removed ?  No one knew for sure, so we just decided that we’re all cousins.

I found a chart that explains it.  At least I think it does.  My brain isn’t working real well now, so I’ll assume it’s correct.

Relativity chart
click to enlarge

More on all this relativity stuff

11 thoughts on “Great second uncles first removed day… or something like that…”

  1. thats good -now what would my grandfathers brother be to me. (and don’t say who is my grandfathers brother) I don’t know.

  2. In certain parts of the country this chart is three dimensional. Meaning, sometimes relatives hold multiple titles of relationship. Like: He’s my brother and my nephew at the same time. That makes my sister….a slow runner!

  3. sooo… my uncle is my first cousin once removed?

    and Princess’ grandfather’s brother would be her first cousin twice removed?

    i just call my grandparents’ living siblings uncle and aunt anyway.

  4. At least you know who you’re related to. The only time i see my relatives is if someone dies. -_- and then relatives from the closets appear and we’re all, ‘we’re related!’.

  5. Re: Old Greg…From the Wiki link-y: “The closest relationship prevails (nearest common ancestor) – note that cousinship is not calculated between individuals when one is descended from the other, for example, two individuals are not called cousins if they are any degree of grandparent, parent and child. Also cousinship is not calculated between individuals of any degree of aunt/uncle and nephew/niece relationship to each other.”

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