27 thoughts on “Hell’s Most Wanted”

  1. The religious nuts believe that sports fan follow their sports like a religion, distracting them from the “real” saviour, Jesus Christ.

    According to them, I’m going to hell for many reasons.

  2. Evolutionists are right underneath child molesters. There’s hardly any difference between them!

  3. WWJD?

    Tell me now, if Jesus saw this list wouldn’t he be upset about all the hatred?

    Religion isn’t bad, just the people interpreting religion are!

  4. i agree with you Grog!

    hmm judging by the list im going to hell….but it looks like ill be having some fun!

  5. The next to last group on the list is hypocrites. THAT means the idiots who made the sign are going to Hell too. They’re the biggest group of hypocrites around.

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