7 thoughts on “I love country music”

  1. Dude, can’t believe your spamming for Obama. For 20 years Reverend Wright’s sermons were never a problem for Obama UNTIL the nation heard the sermons. Suddenly, Obama hears the sermons and is discussed enough to forsake his spiritual advisor and good friend. What a worm.

  2. how immature that someone would call a woman an offensive name like that because they don’t agree with their politics.
    this entry should be deleted.

  3. Sparky… it has less to do with the word than it does with this picture:

    it’s in reference to the picture, which is obviously hilarious.

  4. well …. great shirt… the problem IS…. this country has so much to offer… and the three stooges running for office are …. well a joke at best… I couldn’t vote for those three and won’t, I will pencil in my vote… who is Ron Paul… if I couldn’t do that, then as the saying goes “if you don’t vote you cant bitch”… would no longer be valid… because yes you could because voting for the lesser of two evils is no vote at all

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