6 thoughts on “What the next version of Windows will look like”

  1. ehhhhh…. I’m finding it difficult to believe. why does it have a Macintosh feel to it? particularly that windows bars at the top instead of the bottom :S With so many photos on the net that are photoshopped etc. it’s hard to tell when your looking at something real and something that isn’t.

  2. Will it crash as often?

    Will they sell computer with it preinstalled and then discover the compters cannot run the OS?

    Will they offer a patch a week on their website to fix the security problems?

    OOOOHHHHH! I cannot wait!

  3. Wow…that just looks SOOOO much like a Mac. I thought the point of being a different company was to–y’know–be DIFFERENT.

  4. Oh, look. It’s a mac. Will it be compatible at all with programs that run well on previous versions of windows?

  5. To those who say it looks like a Mac… are you on drugs? Only in the evil empires dreams could they come up with something that looks and works as well as a Mac. Vista anyone?

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