I ran across a link to this sign (above) which was spotted a the Soulard Farmer’s Market, here in St. Louis. It’s a very interesting place to shop or just visit. I haven’t been there in quite a while.
Anyway, this picture comes from a site called Grocery Eats. It has several stories about places in St. Louis, but also other places around the country. Grocery Eats reviews some strange food and places.
Things like:
- Deep fried pancakes
- Big MacChicken
- Kornet Pizza Cones
- Deep fried White Castle hamburgers
- Jalapeno/Bacon Infused Vodka
- Koolickle Kool-Aid pickle
If you’re into a lot of deep frying and weird food, check out Grocery Eats. Do it soon…. this guys arteries might pop any day.
I thought it was a place in cajun country lol