10 thoughts on “President Bush desecrates a flag”

  1. …actually, I looked into it…apparently it’s real, and here are a few links making the claim:




    Can’t necessarily speak for that specific picture…but apparently, he’s signed a flag or two. Seems a little worse than just not putting your hand on your chest at a fish fry.

  2. Some people will try to do anything to disrespect our president. The above ‘Flag Code’ is intended for a United States Flag that’s used for display… not a decoration that Mr. Bush is signing or whatever he may be doing with it. As much as this picture’s comment tries to make fun of our president, does that mean that if someone craps in their US flag boxers, we should hang them for treason or call them un-American??

  3. King Bush!

    What an A$$ Hole.

    I just had to Google some of this. Money spent on the war $462B billion dollars (http://zfacts.com/p/447.html)

    Population of the USA 303 Million people (http://www.census.gov/population/www/popclockus.html)

    That’s over $1500 for every man, woman and child in the United States. (Are you getting your money’s worth?)

    There are 27.5 million people in Iraq (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/print/iz.html)

    That’s $16,800 per person in Iraq. The majority of people in Iraq are poor, earning an average of $255 per year. Could we have bought the Iraq devotion instead of sending troops over?

  4. “As much as this picture’s comment tries to make fun of our president,”

    Nobody needs to try to make fun of him. He does a fine job making an ass of himself on his own.

  5. “does that mean that if someone craps in their US flag boxers, we should hang them for treason or call them un-American??”

    …actually, I think that should be the punishment just for OWNING American flag boxers…

  6. heh… you people are sad… It doesn’t and wouldn’t matter what George W. Bush did in his presidency, you’re still foolish and single-minded that you wouldn’t care. It doesn’t matter whether you like him or not, he deserves your respect as your Commander & Chief. When Mr. Clinton was in office, while I disagreed with many of the things he did and wanted to do, I still respected him as my president. The one person the majority of the country voted to lead this nation to whatever goals he had in mind. Regardless of the fact that if you do your homework, you’ll find that Mr. Clinton was the one to start the Iraqi invasion himself…. but I don’t suspect that would matter to the Bush-derangement-syndrome-driven individuals reading this thread… George W. Bush is doing what has to be done in Iraq. You can’t just birth a baby and leave it alone to let it do it’s thing, nor can you free a nation from the tyranny of an oppressor like Mr. Hussein without helping them learn how to walk, talk, and eat by themselves… much less help to snuff out the opposition to them being their own government-body. Every one of you who’ve posted above should be ashamed of yourselves for not respecting your country, fellow countryman, and subsequently YOUR President…. I, frankly, am shamed that you call yourselves Americans. I’m proud of our country. I’m proud of what we stand for. I’m proud of what we FIGHT for. What’s your problem?

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