7 thoughts on “Why dogs bite their owners”

  1. if bunnies were cats then “Little Bunny fu fu” would make a lot more sense. i never got why a rabbit would harass field mice

  2. How did they get that pink balloon to stay underneath that dogs legs? Did they tie it on with a rubber band to his doggy lipstick? …

    ….I’d be pissed if I were him!

  3. The first one about the lion is very funny to me because just the other day a friends dogs got into a fight and when he broke them up, one bit him on his arm with only one small puncture wound nothing serious. I will be printing that one off and take it to him to always remind him of that day.

  4. some of them made me lol. but they bite because they make them dress up as complete idiots, thats why. why puppies bite is a whole nother story……..!

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