6 thoughts on “Downtown St. Louis”

  1. sad. At one time St. Louis had so much potential. look at it now. a dead city. The architectural beauty the city long ago once had has been pissed away.
    The Riverfront has so much potential and is wasted away with what? NOTHING OF INTEREST!! (excluding the Arch and it’s museum)
    Interesting though that the original Lemp beer lagering cave was where a leg of the arch now stands

  2. Markus, St. Louis is better than it was 10 years ago and more. I got to visit last summer, and I was surprised to see the renewed downtown, with new restaurants, bars, etc. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw so many people downtown when there wasn’t a Cardinals game going on. It may not be living up to its potential yet, but I think they’re working on it. Give them some credit.

  3. It is to symbolize the Westward Expansion.

    I was born and raised on the South Side of the city near Tower Grove park.
    I have seen the city rise and fall a lot in the last 30 years. It is sad to see all
    the nepotism and petty politics pretty much destroy any progress.

    A great Site to check out that chronicles the loss of St. Louis’ architectural
    heritage and wealth is http://www.builtstlouis.net/

    Even though I no longer live in St. Louis it will always be home to me. Fondly
    remember the old days of partying down at Harpos, Mississippi Nights, Bogarts…
    Saw some great rock n’ roll at Mississippi Nights. Both up-and-comers and and
    those on the nostolgic backside of their careers.


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