Alan writes:
A friend of mine just returned from Afghanistan and put together this video — a tribute to the soldiers and the people there.
Perhaps your readers might enjoy it.
I think you’re right Alan. It’s always interesting to see views of these areas. Thanks to all the servicemen who serve our countries in the fight against terrorism.
Thanks Alan
Alan, Brilliant video and song. Thanks for sharing that with us.
That was a well done video. Tell your friend welcome home for me
Thanks, I enjoyed that…Big salute to our soldiers.
Interesting, they are so friendly with people and then they shoot them with tanks and rifles. You are right, they are serving YOUR country. I always ask to myself what would you do if someone invades your country…
a BIG thank you too all service men and women
Yeah my brother just returned recently (Canadian contingent) and no easy answers. One of the things that struck my brother was the many ways our forces are tourists over there…timmys and ball the middle of a war zone….I respect the work of the individuals. Repeatly individuals in extraordinary circumstances perform in extraordinary ways..despite getting slagged for this I have serious concerns about the context and ambit of the mission in Afghanastan and have to echo the man from utopia…
We truly have the best military, not because of what they have, but for who they are.
Man from Utopia wrote – Interesting, they are so friendly with people and then they shoot them with tanks and rifles.
Do you really think that?? You might be misunderstanding what’s going on over there…I think the point is to shoot the bad guys ‘with tanks and rifles’ in order to try and protect the innocent kids and women and families and the good guys.
DJ, sorry dude, got to jump in with a short phrase: collateral damage. The kinder, gentler way to say “dead civilians”.
Yeah, all the good the military is doing is overlooked because it does not “fit the narrative” farce of the US being a barbaric and imperialist country.
The Man from Utopia and tommyboy: for more horrific things the US military is doing, check out pages 35-39 of the September/October issue of Mental Floss magazine. I could not find the article online, so you will have to look at the magazine at your local newstand, bookstore, or wherever.
I am going to have to find an MP3 of that song.
Alan – thank you for sharing, and thank your friend for his/her service.
Paul, you’re right, but it happens in war. On both sides. Always has. The American Civil war left over a million civilians dead…WWII, 30-50 million–double the military death toll! But how many nations go to the extent the US (and allies) does to minimize civilian casualties, while at the same time trying to free a country from the people who wish to enslave and/or commit genocide on that same civilian population. Would you leave them to their fate??
Don’t forget…President O has increased the size of our forces there and our military causalities have soared, resistance has become fiercer, civilian deaths have increased. I can’t hear you yet…When do you start calling the sweet-talking presidolt “baby killer”, “imperialist”, “war mongerer”?? Where’s the leftist’s anti-war hero–your Cindy Sheehan?…oh wait…looks like she’s left the Bush ranch in Texas for the Obama vacation spider-hole in Martha’s Vineyard! Hard to find much info about her now; she was front page news a year or two ago!! Check out how the media who coddled and promoted her during the previous administration suddenly think she’s sad and pathetic and just want her to stop…
thank you vets.!!!
How’s our new Commander-In-Change doing in Afghanistan?
DJ – I like your “War” poster.
Tim –
YEAH DJ you got it right,where is code pink and the rest of those kool aid bastards, not a word about the deaths in Afgan this month and that includes the liberal/state run media,I KNOW WHY its because we have a liberal President
Seeing vids like this makes it kind of hard to complain about our stateside jobs!
well it was a nice surprise to see canadians soldiers! my husband is in afghanistan, for the second time in two years. you can hate the war, you can hate what they do over there, you can blame politicians and politics (i sure do!) but one thing for sure… it’s a real tough job and i’m really proud of them all. they do the best they can in a shitty situation.
thansk for the vid!
fighting terror with terror. BRAVO killers, why don’t you stay in your country???