11 thoughts on “Rock-a-byte baby…”

  1. As innovative as I think this is, from a geek standpoint, I truly have to say that this may be at least partially half the issue with the current generation. As Tech advances we seem to look for more substitutes for PARENTING. Parent’s life is made easier, but what about the child that had to have a COMPUTER rock it to sleep?

  2. This is what happens when geeks have kids. …Somehow, I see my boyfriend doing that (if we ever got married and had kids. :P)

  3. My personal motto: “When it is stupid but works, it isn’t stupid”. This is a perfect example of that 😀 Brilliant!

  4. I liked the credits–the daughter is version 1.0.

    And if both parents are geeks, I imagine that neither have a problem with this.

    Of course, once our son was asleep, we stopped rocking him, so I think this is a bit of overkill (pardon the expression).


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