A man was driving when a traffic camera flashed. He thought his picture was taken for exceeding the speed limit, even though he knew he was not speeding. Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. He thought this was quite funny, so he slowed down even further as he drove past the area, but the traffic camera flashed yet again. He tried a fourth time with the same result. The fifth time he was laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past at a snail’s pace. Two weeks later, he got five traffic fine letters in the mail for driving without a seat belt.
We have cameras like that where I live, dunno about the seat belt cam though. I just ordered one of these, looks pretty cool. I need to go bach to work.
I got my grandkids those a year or so ago. They’ve never let me play with ’em.
I bought it for my grand-daughter, do they really zoom 400 times? I like the idea of the built in flash drive. She will be 2 in August and knows way more than me about computers. LOL.
I don’t know if they zoom 400 times. The box looked cool, but they’ve never shown it to me.
The Cardinals WIN!!! Pujols had a heck of a game. He is the real deal.
Yeah, 2 homers… 28 so far and the season isn’t half over yet.
For those of you who do not live in STL, it is hotter than a car FLICK here.
Here in the ATL it is officially “African Hot”.
So if the season is not half over, he could end up with 82, eh?