Our own DJ writes in his Live Journal about some advice he’s give himself if he were twenty again. A few examples:
Make sure to always have a camera handy, and take lots of pictures. Especially of the people in your life. They will never look just like they do right now. And someday they’ll be gone.
Start real early to invest money. You don’t have to spend it all. Once you get past 50, the occasional glance at your assets can be frightening and make you lose sleep.
Marriage is not 50/50…It’s 100/100.
When outdoors, always look up at the sky.
Leave a nice tip for the waitress. Her situation is probably worse than you think.
Plant something in your yard besides grass. BTW…a lawn doesn’t have to look like a putting green. If it does, you’re wasting time that should be spent with humans.
I think the best advice I’ve recieved I got from my brother, whom I look up to and admire a lot. He told me to try to never let someone ruin my day by their actions. When someone is acting like a fool, if I retaliate (and act like they do) then I’ve have dropped to their level. I use this advice almost daily. I must admit it doesn’t always work, but it has helped me deal better with some real a**holes.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Too numerous to list, the most recent is what I just read, good job man. My parents did a nice job raising 5 kids…#1 is respect.
I was 16 and could NOT work up the courage to ask a girl out. So I talked to my dad about it.
He said “son, the girls are just as nervous and scared as you are, you’re afraid that they’ll say no, they are afraid that no one will call”
He was right, but he created a monster!
Gary is this you?
When I was a kid, we took a trip to see grandma and grandpa in Arkansas, a long drive back then. We finally saw the gravel road, we took it till the road ended.Grandpa had a team of mules that took us 3 or 4 miles, but had to stop due to the thorns and thick brush.We walked the rest of the way to the house,we went up the steps and read the sign on the door…..”GONE FOR THE WEEKEND, WENT TO THE COUNTRY”…..My Dad said, let this be a lesson to you, call before you visit.
Do the right thing. Not always as simple as it sounds but, you never have regrets.
Best advice I’ve heard about curfew:
If she’s a good girl, she should be home by midnight. If she’s a bad girl, you should be done…
Very simply: Seize the day (carpe diem).
learn what you can, don’t worry about what you don’t know… life will teach you everything else.
Nah, my twin brother, he always did better with the girls.
Mom always liked him better too.
When your child asks your advice, ask them what their mother said.
Gary is your twin named Larry?? I think I know him.
Strangly, he was adopted late in life by George Forman, and now is know as George VII
“Truth depends on where you stand.”
And people stand in different places and see different truths, that does not mean they are wrong.
Excellent Sloan! And very true. Your truth might be different than mine. Let’s all keep that in mind.
“I know I will because I know I will.”
This statement effected me more deeply than any other, bolstering my confidence, determination, and work ethic. It is a hard concept to use, but when you do, you gain an almost infinite amount of willpower. All this saying means is if you say to yourself, i WILL do this. (Not I can, i should, i know i can, I must, i have to, i’ll try, i’ll do my best, etc, but I will), and you keep it firmly in your head, then you will, and your only motivation needs to be that you know you will. Those of you who have read Harry Potter 3 (Azkaban) can relate this to when harry summons the Patronus. He knew he would because he had seen his future self do it, in the past. He knew he would, because he already knew he would, before he did it. You must learn to apply this to things you want to accomplish yourself. It is immensely more difficult than it sounds, but very rewarding. I’ve only managed to use a small portion of it and its done wonders for me.
Never carry a handbag bigger than your head – Gramma
Buy the cheapest car you can stand and the most expensive house you can afford – Gramps
Thanks for that Maoman, I like it.
Never trust a fart, never pass on a chance to take a piss, and never waste an erection.
Also, if a woman tells you she needs “space” give her so much freaking space that she feels like Captain Kirk.
I like this one….”Those who anger you, control you”. But here is my favorite… “This too….shall pass”.
Impromulgating your esoteric cogitations and in articulating your superficial sentimentalities, beware of platitudinous ponderosities. Let your extemporaneous expatiations be without throsonical bombast and rhodomontade. I was taught that this meant “say what you mean, mean what you say, and don’t use long words” !!
Cowracer if a girl tells you she needs space shes not into you,and yes its happened to me,I like to cuddle and some women dont like to
if it smells like a burnt clutch, don’t eat it.
Never date a girl with big hands; it makes your dick look smaller.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
I’ve always said in the past that everything is 50/50 but I’ve
seen the light now. You’re so right DJ that marriage is 100/100.
Quess that’s why I’ve never walked down that aisle as I’ve never
found the right 100.
Life: Don’t make the mistake of compromising your health to make money. You’ll end up spending that money go get your health back.
Speed: The only way to find out how fast you can go is to fall down once in a while.
Self Defense: Always have a plan in mind how to kill everyone you see.
lmao DJ I had to click “yes Im at least 14” to get to your page,I added it to my favorites
Bella, you may not have found the right 100, but there’s a few dozen of us on B&P that are really getting interested…
And thanks Jonco. Quite a surprise! I appreciate this…it meant a lot to me.
Thanks Jonco&Dj,this was a really great read.
In my life so far,two pieces of advice come straight to my mind…
Your art/craftwork is shite until you give it integrity.
There is always another way of doing things.