19 thoughts on “Barack Obama “Uh” count”

  1. At least he can spell “Bush.” I’m not sure King George can.

    On a side note, I’ve noticed I also say “uh” a lot. It took the place of me formerly saying, “y’know” a lot, which I found WAY more irritating.

  2. you got a good point there Derek… I have seen a person say “and um ah” before every sentence she spoke, sometimes twice a sentence… she didn’t even know she was saying it until I asked her what an “and um ah” was… she looked at me like wtf are you talking about… and didn’t believe she was saying it 5000 times a day… so every time she said it I would interrupt her saying “and um ah” didn’t take more then a few hours of that to make her really concentrate in not saying it…lol not to mention thinking I was the ultimate asshole…lol

  3. In Barack’s case it probably indicates he’s thinking as he speaks, rather than reading from a prepared response.

  4. He’s, like, a black “valley girl”, like, you know what I mean?

    Actually, the Uh’s are the most intelligent part of his dialog. It’s the rest that sounds like nonsense.

  5. Are you people so dense? Do you even understand what he talks about? Have you paid attention to anything he said?

    I’m sure McCain is the real eloquent politics expert…

  6. i love how this is all that the right wing can come up with to “make obama look bad”. meanwhile there are dozens and dozens of videos and transcripts of mccain LYING about EVERYTHING. nice job conservatives! see you at the debates!

  7. Yeah, been paying attention to him…

    “57 states, one left to go”; 10,000 dead in Kansas tornado (actually 12 deaths); Iran doesn’t pose a threat to us because it’s one of “the tiny countries”, he was conceived during the unrest in Selma in 1965, but he was born in 1961; the infamous ‘breathalyzer/inhalator’ speech; claiming he’s on the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (he’s not); claiming his father served in WWII (he didn’t); claiming he won the Michigan primary (he didn’t-he wasn’t even on the ballot); says Canada has a ‘president’ (it doesn’t); says his uncle helped liberate Auschwitz in WWII (he didn’t-Russian troops did that).

    Not to mention frequent mispronunciations, constantly misidentifying cities he’s speaking in, constantly misidentifying people he’s being interviewed by, and umm ahhh uuhhh I I I you know embellishing his career achievements.

    “If we’re going to ask questions about, you know, who has been promulgating negative ads that are completely unrelated to the issues at hand, I think I win that contest pretty handily.” -Obama on ABC’s GMA – 9/15/08

    He has a staff of people just to follow him around and explain to the press and public what he really meant to say.

  8. DJ, you have been fed so much bullshit it’s unreal. There is so much distortion in those things you came up with. Typical hypocrisy of the republican rabble.

  9. Hey, DJ… I can testify that C, eh, N, eh, D, eh, doesn’t have a president. In fact, we don’t have any leader at all!! If we did, It would be called a Prime Minister. Go figure.

  10. Yeah, ’cause Google is the be all and end all of information. You can trust everything that Google gives you. It’s all legit. Just like Fox News.

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